Until We Meet Again in Catalan

Useful Catalan phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Catalan, a Romance linguistic communication spoken mainly in Kingdom of spain, Principality of andorra and France, with audio recordings for near of them.

Guide to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal, sg = atypical (to one person), pl = plural (to two or more than people), >thousand = said to men, >f = said to women

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See these phrases in any combination of ii languages in the Phrase Finder. If you tin provide recordings, corrections or boosted translations, delight contact me.

English català (Catalan)
Welcome Benvingut (>m)
Benvinguda (>f)
Benvinguts (pl)
Benvingudes (pl/f)
Hello (Full general greeting) Hola
Bon dia
Hi (on telephone) Hola?
How are you? Com estàs? (inf)
Com està? (frm)
Reply to 'How are yous?' Bé, gràcies, i tu? (inf)
Bé, gràcies, i vostè? (frm)
Long time no meet Quant (de) temps!
What's your proper noun? Com et dius? (inf)
Com es diu? (frm)
My name is ... Em dic ...
Where are you from? D'on ets? (inf)
D'on és vostè? (frm)
I'm from ... Sóc de...
Vinc de ...
Pleased to meet you lot Encantat
Molt de gust
Tant de gust
Good morning time
(Morning greeting)
Bon dia
Skillful afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Bona tarda
Skillful evening
(Evening greeting)
Bona nit
Good night Bona nit
(Departing phrases)
Adéu (goodbye)
A reveure (run across you)
Que vagi bé (take care)
Fins ara (run across you soon)
Fins després (come across you later)
Ja ens veurem (nosotros'll be in touch)
Fins demà (see you tomorrow)
Good luck! Bona sort!
Molta sort!
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Txin txin!
Bon appetit /
Have a overnice meal
Bon profit!
Que vagi de gust!
Bon voyage /
Have a skilful journeying
Bon viatge!
I don't sympathise No ho entenc
No No
Possibly Potser
I don't know No sé
Practice yous understand? Entens?
I understand Entenc
Please speak more than slowly Parli més a poc a poc, si united states plau
Please say that over again M'ho pot repetir, sisplau?
Please write it downwardly Pot escriure-ho, si us plau?
Que m'ho podria escriure, si us plau?
Exercise you speak English? Que parla anglès?
Parla anglès? (frm)
Parles anglès? (inf)
Practice you speak Catalan? Que parla català?
Parla català? (frm)
Parles català? (inf)
Yes, a piddling
(answer to 'Do you speak ...?')
Sí, una mica
Sí, united nations poc
How do you say ... in Catalan? Com es diu en català ...?
Excuse me Dispensi!
How much is this? Quant costa això?
Sorry Perdó!
Em sap greu
Please Sisplau
Thanks Gràcies
Moltes gràcies
Answer to cheers De res
Where'due south the toilet / bathroom? On és el lavabo?
On és la cambra de bany?
Would you like to trip the light fantastic with me? Vols ballar amb mi?
I miss you lot Et trobo a faltar
I love you T'estimo
Go well soon Que et milloris
Get away! Ves-te'n!
Leave me alone! Deixa'g en pau!
Assist! Socors!
Fire! Foc!
Finish! Alto!
Call the constabulary! Crida la policia!
Truca la policia!
Christmas greetings Bon Nadal
New Year greetings Feliç whatsoever nou
Easter greetings Bona Pasqua
Birthday greetings Per molts anys
Bon aniversari
Moltes Felicitats
Congratulations! Felicitacions!
1 linguistic communication is never plenty No due north'hi ha prou amb una llengua
My hovercraft is total of eels El meu aerolliscador està ple d'anguiles

Recordings and corrections provided past Sergi Mesonero

Download all the audio files (Zip format, 1MB)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, delight contact me.

Information about Catalan | Phrases | Numbers | Family unit words | Time | Natural language twisters | Tower of Babel | Catalan learning materials

Acquire Catalan with Glossika


Collections of Catalan phrases (some with audio)
http://world wide web.bbc.co.uk/languages/other/quickfix/catalan.shtml

Phrases in Romance/Italic languages

Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Asturian, Catalan, Corsican, Extremaduran, French, Friulian, Galician, Gascon, Italian, Jèrriais, Ladino, Latin, Occitan, Monégasque, Mozarabic, Picard, Portuguese (Brazlian), Portuguese (European), Romanaian, Romansh, Sardinian, Sicilian, Spanish, Venetian, Walloon

Phrases in other languages


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Source: https://omniglot.com/language/phrases/catalan.php

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