How To Prevent Stretch Marks Effectively - 10 Tips

Stretch marks are common in 90% of significant women, while 7 in every 10 adolescent females and four in every 10 adolescent males confront this problem (ane). Then, how to preclude stretch marks? The fact is yous cannot completely erase them, but you can certainly make your skin more resilient to reduce the severity. This article lists the 10 all-time means to prevent stretch marks and several handling options available to tame those stubborn scars. Continue reading.

How To Prevent Stretch Marks: 10 Tips To Follow

You can develop stretch marks at whatever point in your life. If you are at run a risk of developing stretch marks (we have discussed the risk factors afterwards in the article), hither are a few things you lot can do to reduce the risk:

1. Moisturize Your Skin

Proper moisturization improves the elasticity of your skin. It is assumed that moisturization may help reduce the impact of stretch marks and even forbid them.

A study washed on pregnant women institute that the application of moisturizers reduced the severity of the stretch marks. The study noted that moisturizers (like oils and vitamin Due east) were used in the ointment. The ingredients may or may not take any addition furnishings (2).

2. Up Your Intake of Vitamin D

A report found that depression levels of vitamin D in man serum increased the take a chance of developing stretch marks (3). Withal, the study is inconclusive, and more enquiry is needed in this regard.

You may try to include more vitamin D-rich foods in your diet. Make sure you consult a doctor.

3. Manage Your Weight

Maintaining a good for you weight is key to prevent stretch marks. When you lot gain weight rapidly, your skin is stretched quickly, and this frequently causes stretch marks. You lot may also notice stretch marks later you lose weight apace. Bodybuilders, adolescents experiencing a growth spurt, and significant women may experience quick weight gain and loss.

If y'all want to foreclose stretch marks, it is crucial that you gain or lose weight gradually (if you are trying to gain or lose weight), giving your pare a chance to recover. Besides, if you are pregnant, effort to maintain a healthy weight. Consult a doctor to understand the platonic weight for yous.

4. Drinkable Plenty Of Water

Staying hydrated is crucial to reduce your risk of developing stretch marks. On boilerplate, you need shut to 2 liters (64 fluid ounces) of water. This measurement may vary depending on the hydration needs of your body. If you are pregnant, consult a doctor to know the right corporeality of water intake for yous.

5. Avoid Corticosteroids

Corticosteroid apply and abuse (oral and topical) are linked to stretch marks (2). Bodybuilders oftentimes take steroids to expand tissues and build muscles, which may stretch the skin and leave marks.

Corticosteroids are used for health conditions, such as asthma, eczema, Crohn's affliction, colitis, etc. If you are taking corticosteroids, consult your doctor for ways to prevent stretch marks.

6. Follow A Balanced Nutrition

It has multifaceted benefits. Following a healthy diet can help you maintain your weight. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables (containing loftier water content) helps to maintain the hydration levels in your body. Moreover, the nutrients and vitamins in foods can help proceed your pare healthy. All these factors may help in preventing stretch marks.

vii. Exercise Regularly

Staying active helps you maintain healthy trunk weight. Also, exercising under the supervision of an instructor can help you build muscle strength gradually, without stressing your pare. This may assist forbid stretch marks.

8. Use Sunscreen

Lord's day rays can harm the collagen fibers in your skin (4). Collagen supplements (forth with elastin) proceed the peel tight and elastic. While using sunscreen may non improve the appearance of stretch marks, it can protect your peel from UV rays and prevent farther risk of developing stretch marks.

ix. Avoid Smoking

Exposure to tobacco smoke causes elastin breakup (5). Smoking tin can deteriorate lung function and impact skin elasticity. It likewise makes you prone to developing stretch marks.

10. Treat Early Stretch Marks

Fresh stretch marks (or red stretch marks) are easier to treat than sometime or white stretch marks. Prompt action may not make them vanish simply can reduce their appearance to a great extent.

These are the preventive measures you can take. However, if you develop stretch marks, treating them in the early stages can improve their appearance. Here are the treatment options you lot can consider.

Treatments To Reduce The Appearance Of Stretch Marks

1. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Therapy

Several studies found that light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation therapy could assist better the appearance of stretch marks. A non-ablative1540-nm fractional laser was establish to ameliorate the appearance of stretch marks by ane% to 24%. A 1064-nm long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser was institute to be beneficial in improving reddish stretch marks (2).

2. Microneedling

Microneedling is another effective way of improving the appearance of early and late stretch marks (6). A study showed that microneedling with topical ascorbic acrid (vitamin C) could assistance in improving the appearance of stretch marks, and 85.8% of the patients studied were satisfied or very satisfied with the results (7).

three. PRP Injections

According to a study, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections were effective in improving the advent of stretch marks (eight). The plasma is derived from the claret of the patient and triggers healing (by boosting collagen and elastin production) in the target expanse.

four. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion involves removing the top layer of your skin with a small handheld device. This helps to renew skin texture and tone. Studies take institute that microdermabrasion could help better the appearance of stretch marks (2).

5. Retinoid Ointments (Tretinoin)

Tretinoin is beneficial in improving the appearance of early stretch marks. In a randomized, open trial, researchers establish that 0.05% tretinoin cream helped reduce the severity of the cherry stretch marks (2).

6. Glycolic Acid

This alpha hydroxy acid can be benign in improving the appearance of stretch marks when used in a higher percentage. A study found that 70% glycolic acid improved the appearance of stretch marks later on six months of continuous use (nine).

These tips can assistance preclude stretch marks. They also help foreclose early on stretch marks from turning severe. While all of us can develop stretch marks, in that location are a few among us who are more than probable to develop them. Being aware of the chance factors can help you stay prepared.

Stretch Marks: Pregnancy And Other Risk Factors

Factors that make y'all vulnerable to stretch marks are:

ane. Pregnancy

This is the about common factor that makes a adult female vulnerable to stretch marks. When you are pregnant, non only your trunk but your skin tissues as well undergo changes. As your body starts to make room for the growing fetus, you develop stretch marks.

Usually, stretch marks first appearing during the 6th and 7th months of pregnancy, and 50% to ninety% of pregnant women develop them (10). These marks may announced on the belly, thighs, and breasts.

ii. Genetics

If y'all have a family unit history of stretch marks, it is likely that you lot will develop them besides.

3. Quick Weight Loss/Gain

If you tend to gain or lose weight quickly, the constant stretching and tugging can give ascension to stretch marks. If you are overweight and trying to lose weight, or you are underweight and trying to gain weight, do it gradually.

4. Steroid Medications

Using corticosteroids for a long fourth dimension tin can cause the development of stretch marks. Steroid medicines lower the collagen levels in your skin. As a upshot, your skin may non be able to stretch itself, and yous develop stretch marks (11).

5. Breast Augmentation

If you take undergone surgery or are taking pills to increment the size of your breasts, yous may develop stretch marks as your peel has to stretch itself to accommodate the fatty transfer or implants.

6. Health Weather condition

Some wellness weather condition like Marfan Syndrome and Cushing's Affliction tin can also cause stretch marks (12), (13).

Stretch marks usually fade on their own or become less noticeable with time. It depends on the rate at which your skin recovers.

About of u.s. are not comfortable flaunting our stretch marks and prefer hiding them. These lines are a reminder of how our body has grown and changed throughout our lives. Be comfortable in your own skin and appreciate the struggle it has gone through. Talk to a doc to identify the method best suited for your instance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

It depends on how you take intendance of your peel and how information technology responds. Stretch marks are inevitable, but they may become less noticeable with proper intendance and treatment.

Can kokosnoot oil prevent stretch marks?

Kokosnoot oil can keep the pare moisturized and improve its elasticity then that even if it stretches, the marks are less credible. However, information technology cannot forestall stretch marks.

What is the all-time product to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

You may use Bio-Oil or consult your doctor for product suggestions.

Do stretch marks ever actually become away?

No, they never get away. They fade with time or treatment.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and bookish inquiry papers, reputed organizations, inquiry institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Check out our editorial policy for further details.

  • Evaluation of Diverse Therapeutic Measures in Striae Rubra. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Management of stretch marks (with a focus on striae rubrae). Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, U.s. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Relationship betwixt Vitamin D Status and Striae Distensae: A Case-Referent Study, Dermatology Research and Practice, Hindawi.
  • Collagen Alterations In Chronically Lord's day-Damaged Human Peel, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Wiley Online Library,
  • Loss of skin elasticity is associated with pulmonary emphysema, biomarkers of inflammation, and matrix metalloproteinase action in smokers, Respiratory Research, BioMed Central.
  • Handling of striae distensae using needling therapy: a pilot study. Dermatologic Surgery, Us National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Wellness.
  • Calcium Hydroxylapatite Combined with Microneedling and Ascorbic Acrid is Constructive for Treating Stretch Marks. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open, Usa National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  • Striae Distensae Treatment Review and Update. Indian Dermatology Online Periodical, Usa National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
    https://world wide
  • A Superficial Texture Assay of seventy% Glycolic Acrid Topical Therapy and Striae Distensae, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  • The use of anti stretch marks' products by women in pregnancy: a descriptive, cross-sectional survey, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, BioMed Primal.
  • Extensive Striae Distensae every bit a Issue of Topical Corticosteroid Therapy in Psoriasis Vulgaris, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology.
  • Histopathology Of Striae Distensae, With Special Reference To Striae And Wound Healing In The Marfan Syndrome, The Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
  • Cushing's Illness: Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation, American Family Medico.

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Ramona is an acquaintance editor at StyleCraze. Prior to that, she authored over 200 manufactures on peel and hair care.... more


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